

ringtailed lemur - lemur catta - katta

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Ringtailed Lemur Biology Lemur behavior Lemurs of madagascar

- Ringtailed Lemur Biology lemur catta in Madagascar von Alison Jolly ,Springer-Verlag 2006, ISBN 13: 978-0387-32669-6,ringtailed lemur biology

- Lemur Behavior a Madagascar Field Study,Alison Jolly, Univ of Chicago Pr (Tx) (June 1966)ISBN-10: 0226405524 ,ISBN-13: 978-0226405520 lemur behavior  
New directions in lemur studies Lemur social systems and their egological basis Primate ecology social structure

-New Directions in Lemur Studies, Berthe Rakotosamimanana/Hanta Rasamimanana/Jörg U.Ganzhorn,Plenum 1998,ISBN 0-306-46187-0:New directions in lemur studies

- Lemur Social Systems and Their Ecological Basis,Peter M.Kappeler und Jörg U.Ganzhorn,Plenum Publishing Corporation NY 1993,ISBN: 0-306-44576-X  
the origins of nature an sociality the lemur`s legacy
Primates in nature Shadows in the dawn  

- Shadows in the Dawn the lemurs of madagascar,Kathryn Lasky/ Christopher G. Knight,,Gulliver Green Book 1998, ISBN 0-15-200258-8 shadows in the dawn

-Hand-rearing wild and domestic mammals, Herausgeber:Laurie Jj.Gage,DVM,Iowa State University Press; Auflage: 1 (30. Juni 2002,) , ISBN-10: 0813826837,ISBN-13: 978-0813826837

279 pages .Editor is the DVMDr.Laurie GAGE, several authors.

Especially interesting is the chapter hand-rearing of lemurs.author is Dr.Cathie V.Williams from the DUKE-Lemur-Center/ Duke-University in Durham/USA, . She is describing detailled informations for ringtailed lemurs(Lemur catta), ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata), true lemurs (Eulemur spp.) and sifakas (Propithecus spp.).hand-rearing wild and domestic mammals

Katurran odyssey  
-The Katurran odyssey ,Terryl Whitlatch/David Michael Wieger,ISBN 0-7432-2500-7 The Katurran odyssey    
Lemuren im Zoo das lösen von problemboxaufgaben affen

- Lemuren im Zoo, Vaclav Ceska ,Paul Parey Verlag 1992, ISBN 3-489-51136-0 Lemuren im Zoo

  - Affen unsere haarigen Vettern,Robin Dunbar/Louise Barnett,VGS 2001,ISBN 3-8025-1460-2
Tiere der tropischen Wälder   Katta katta

-Tiere der tropischen Wälder/Lebendige Wildnis,Das Beste aus Reader´s Digest1993, ISBN 3 87070 461 6Tiere der tropischen Wälder


- Katta! Katta! Im Land der Lemuren,Christine Rettl/Renate Maderbacher,Gabriel-Verlag 2000,ISBN 3-7072-6614-1Katta!Katta!


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