lemurs positive response training

lemur with positive response training


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Positive Response Training with lemurs

Here we show some examples from our Positive Reinforcement Training (PRT ,- sometimes called clicker-training)with our group of 6 adult ringtailed lemurs and 1 young baby-lemur.

The training is for the wellbeing of the animals that have to live in captivity:

1. Physical exercises enhancing the physical constitution of the animals

2. Psychological stimulation by solving problems

3. Cooperation for husbanding and medical analysis makes the husbanding easier for carers and the animals, produces less stress on them

school-class is waiting...   somebody has to start ...
first task: jump up for the target...   ...and go!...
... let it swing like Tarzan...   ...directly to the reward...
...that was greatt!   everybody is satisfied...
...now let´s have a break!!!   Next lesson, new teacher ...
Who´s first ? (...we got it now, that there will be a reward!!!)   I will... - No, me!!!
close-up: Unfair lemur tricks   Okay, let´do it together ...
We do it together, too, but with a closer cooperation !   But the reward gets only the bigger one,- that´s life!

With pressing the Training-video-clips you will get the same with running pictures!